Texas Whiskey Festival

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Bruce Wayne

Batman is one of the most beloved and hated comic book characters of all time. While this household is team #marvel, I can not deny that I am a huge Batman fan. As I was surfing the interwebs, I stumbled upon the Bruce Wayne whiskey drink. So, of course, I had to make it.

The Bruce Wayne

Batman/Bruce Wayne seems like a bourbon kind of guy. Sure he a billionaire and can afford the most expensive scotches, but I don’t get that vibe from him. He wants something tough as nails without compromising taste.

So enter Garrison Brother’s small-batch 2020. The gold buckle winner at the 3rd annual Texas Whiskey Festival. He would most likely have the Laguna Madre, but moving on.

The 94 proof Garrison Brothers small-batch is 70% corn, 16% wheat, and 14% barley. It rich and sweet on the nose, commanding on the palate and quick on the finish.

Every superhero needs energy, so this cocktail mixes in cold brew coffee. We got ours from our friends at Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea, Texas Capitol.

It adds a little maple syrup to round out the drink to cure any bitterness that might be lingering.


  • 3 oz cold brew coffee

  • 2.25 oz bourbon

  • .5 oz maple syrup

How to make the Bruce Wayne
Combine all ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake well—strain into a glass.

Check out the whiskey between the sheets whiskey drink or the other Texas whiskey cocktails you can make at home